Why Invest With Us

We invest in residential and commercial properties in the price bracket between $ 2m and 8m throughout New Zealand.

Why this market?

The market under $2m is predominantly bought by private buyers and family trusts. The market over $10m has good interest by bigger syndicates and funds. Therefore we invest in a less competitive market, which does not mean there is no competition.

Safety or Profit?

We select the Properties for a stable and secure income in the years to come, not for a quick capital gain or short term maximum cash flow.

How much is the minimum investment?

Currently there are 1000 shares each traded at $50’000.00. We anticipate the share value to increase over time. The divident will be paid yearly, the financial year ends 31 March of each year.

Invest with us for an armchair investment,knowing your funds are well looked after and well diversified.

We do have very small overheads and therefore the return will not be eaten up by managing costs.

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